8 studies you should know about

There are numerous E-cigarette studies that confirm their quality. Below we state some of the most important.

01. 05. 2017.


8. FDA analysis

 The analysis conducted by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), based on two brands of E-cigarettes, analyzed filling content and not the vapor and found diethylene glycol and nitrogen-specific tobacco. The official press release did not mention that the concentrations of these compounds were 1400 times lower than those found in the classic cigarette and were at similar levels found in the products approved by this agency. Diethyl glycol was not found in any subsequent study, which indicates that it was an isolated case.

7. Levels of carcinogenic and toxic compounds

 The 2012 study analyzed 12 brands of E-cigarettes in search of carcinogenic compounds found in tobacco smoke and found that the amounts were 9 to 450 times smaller. This study went deeper than the previous one and showed great potential in reducing the harm of use with respect to the tobacco cigarette.

6. No effect on the function of the heart

 This study in 2012 has been studying the impact of E-cigarette on the cardiac function of users. Coronary heart disease is responsible for 40% of deaths in smoking and the study has shown that tobacco cigarettes have a specific stroke effect, while E-cigarettes did not change that function. The study was based on the left ventricle that received oxygen-rich blood, and none of the 4 markers showed any problem, as compared to all 4 tobacco cigarettes.

5. E-cigarette vs. tobacco cigarettes

 Study by Zachary Kahna and Professor Michel Siegela in the Public Health Diary has studied numerous E-cigar safety studies and found that E-cigarettes are undoubtedly safer than tobacco. She also exhibited the FDA study differently and concluded that E-cigarettes have the potential to quit smoking.

4. Passive smoking

 The 2012 study compares the risks of passive smoking of E-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes. It was established that the potential for passive smoking in the E-cigarette is negligible, as there is no additional smoke while the cigarettes are not used, making them much safer for people nearby.

3. Quitting smoking

 The fact that E-cigarette manufacturers are not allowed to say that their product can help stop smoking can put you into thinking that they are ineffective for that purpose. One of the researches tested people who did not really want to quit smoking. 55% of participants reduced smoking by 50% or completely quit smoking, and the whole group consumed 88% less cigarettes during this 6-month study.

2. More cuts and better memory

 A study that studied the effect of E-cigarette on smoking cessation at randomly selected participants who used E-cigarettes with or without nicotine or just held it in their hands. The participants rated the desire for smoking and the withdrawal symptoms in three stages. E-cigarette users had a reduced desire to smoke. Interestingly, the participants who used nicotine E-cigarette had improved memory compared to other participants.

1. Why do they work?

 This research focused exclusively on the fact that E-cigarettes are effective. The conclusion was that patterns of behavior, social benefits, hobby elements, the impression of a person’s identity, and the fact that users could enjoy nicotine without tobacco and harmful ingredients were the main elements that aided smoking cessation